Konkord 026


The Good Library


With musicians from the USA, England, Wales and Austria this internationally mixed band, The Good Library have been turning psychedelic guitar rock into a high art form for over fifteen years. In the great traditions of the classic West-Coast-Sound and early British Underground rock but also mixed with a powerful, uncompromising attitude, this quintet have pieced together a kaleidoscopic web of sound that merge catchy melodies with free improvisation.

With a number of experimental releases under their belt, “Shhh!” is a dynamic mix of ideas that have come together to form an impressively vast album. Guitar based melodies pull the listener straight into the groove while long instrumental pieces pull all registers on the keyboard of human emotion. Sharp focussed guitars meet with with sweeping keyboards while in the background such exotic instruments as Banjo, Zheng and Sitar add extra spice to the already powerful mix. After three years of work, “Shhh!” is an album that lives up to The Good Library motto: “To create a music that is disorienting in a pleasant, kaleidoscopic way!”.

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Mit Musikern aus den USA, Großbritannien und Österreich international gut durchmischt pflegen The Good Library seit mittlerweile fast acht Jahren die hohe Kunst des psychedelischen Gitarrenrocks. Große Traditionen wie der klassische West-Coast-Sound und der frühe britische Underground-Rock vermischen sich auf dem neuen Album Shhh! mit dem kompromisslosen, kraftvollen Spiel des Quintetts zu einem farbenfroh gewebten Soundteppich, der von straighten Ohrwürmern bis zur freien Improvisation vieles einschließt.

FORMAT: CD, Digital
STYLE: Psychedelic Rock
RELEASED: January 2008


Paul Divjak • Aural Siesta (CD, Digital)


duo505 • Another Illusion (CD, Digital)